

See frequently asked questions about the project & the whens and whys.

If you're interested in just using xsldb you should look here.

Developers and other source code aficionados should have a look here.

Details about licensing and the other legal stuff.

There is also a separate documentation of releases and release planning.

Intention && goals

Being involved in a large EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) project for a major german bank where we are developing hundreds of xsl scripts, I was looking for an IDE independant interactive debugger that ca easily bound into every JAVA development environment. I startetd searching and found no adequate GUI- or implementation free product. So I developed my own system.

My goal is to bring xsldb to a mature stage during 2002 while having contact with other people, users and developers.


Currently xsldb runs with every Apache XALAN distribution > v2.0 and with the sun xslt transformation implementation contained in JDK/JRE 1.4.

Known Bugs

Off course there are bugs. Gimme a hint.


Maybe later there'll be an IDE GUI. Maybe for the Eclipse IDE (my favorite one ;-)


Special thanks to Jürgen from JPlanet.com for giving his good name to the xsldb packages and for providing additional contribution.

Author && Copyright

Chris Gehrke, Germany

Summer 2002

This Software is copyrighted under the SUN PUBLIC LICENSE.